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For many, this is considered a most joyous time of year. For some, the opposite. One thing that is certain: we could all use an extra dose of self-care. Here are 12 ideas you can do to get a few more 'me-moments' each day.

  1. If it's not too nippy outside, try a morning or afternoon walk.
  2. Indulge in a healthy yet holiday dessert-inspired smoothie. Here are nine tasty recipes for you to try.
  3. Take time out to breathe. Getting flustered or stressed? Here are a few breathing techniques that only require a few minutes and can help make a world of difference.
  4. Drink lots and lots of water, especially when you’re feeling stressed. Hydration can only help to calm you down.
  5. Make time for movement. Whether an intense HIIT workout or a stroll through the neighborhood admiring the holiday lights, movement is medicine.
  6. Make a list before going shopping so that you don’t stress out about what to buy. The crowds and chaos generally only add to the stress of trying to decide. While the gift itself is important, the intent is much more meaningful.
  7. Or... skip in-store shopping altogether and order your goodies online. We might be biased, but the Striking +Strong store is a great place to start. 😉 (p.s. order by Dec 18 to arrive by Christmas)
  8. Spend time with people who bring you peace. That could be a friend or a loved one or just your 'fur-baby.'
  9. Document your small wins each day, or use a gratitude journal. This will help to keep you in the right frame of mind.
  10. Daily stretches solve (and prevent) a world of problems, so show your limbs and body a little extra love today. Here are a few stretches you can try today.
  11. Say some affirmations. Written or verbal, find little ways to remind yourself that you are absolutely amazing and worthy of joy, peace, and so much more.
  12. Know and honor your boundaries. Not feeling up to the 3rd-holiday party this week? Not interested in participating in the office potluck or whatever is getting thrown on your plate today? It's okay to honor that you need time for yourself and not to overextend.


Check out the replay of Getting Right: Maintaining Self-Care + Financial Wellness During the Holidays which includes tons of tips, insights, and great moments with our Founder + CEO Tanja, and Adrienne Taylor, AFC® of Tailored WealthSaver®.

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